Iranian woman beneath French poster in metro station.........
Dawa in Kindergarten.This is beyond words!
German Islamic fanatics jailed for planning 'second September 11':,1518,543768,00.html
The 38-year Muriel Degauque-old convert to Islam, nicknamed by Belgian media as the Belgian kamikaze, blew herself up on November 9 on the outskirts of Baghdad. ........................
Eric B. calls on his brothers in Germany to join the jihad:,1518,550583,00.html A German Jihadi's last moments :,1518,543768,00.html
This is all illegal in France: the public worship, the blocked streets, and the private security. But the police have been ordered not to intervene.Whether we like it or not, France is changing fast, and is doing so without the consent of the largest part of its population. Episodes like the street prayers issue, the headscarf ban, or the 2005 riots are the product of this evolution. It’s difficult to believe that a more than a thousand-year old nation is fading away but no one can be sure what the country called “France” in will look like in forty years. .....
A Muslim group in the United Kingdom has launched a campaign to turn twelve British cities – including what it calls "Londonistan" – into independent Islamic states. The so-called Islamic Emirates would function as autonomous enclaves ruled by Islamic Sharia law and operate entirely outside British jurisprudence.There are presently 85 Sharia courts all across Britain. SHARIA ZONES ENFORCED IN UK: the Daily Mail ....... ................
KOSOVO - ALBANIANS DESTROYED 130 ORTHODOX MONASTERIES AND CHURCHES IN KOSOVO!!!.....Remember: THE TRUE FACE OF KOSOVO.. Albanians want to create Great Albania, superislamic jihadist state in Balkans that would include southern parts of Serbia (beside Kosovo), half of Macedonia (western part), northeastern Greece and southern Montenegro.
...Sarajevo-More than half a dozen new madrasas, or religious high schools, have been built in recent years, while dozens of mosques have sprouted, including the King Fahd, a sprawling €20 million, or $28 million, complex with a sports and cultural center....,1518,516214,00.html..........
.Radical-Islamist-gunman-open-fires-outside-U-S-Embassy-Sarajevo- ...Thanks Bill Clinton, for sending American troops to fight on the WRONG SIDE of this war. ............
...A special Serbian court has sentenced four radical Muslims from a the volatile Sandzak region of the country to up to eight years in prison each for planning terrorist attacks on targets in the Balkans.
.America and other Western nations did little to stop Turkey invading Cyprus in 1974 and creating a de-facto nation and altering the demographics of northern Cyprus and using this area for military proces.Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of Cyprus you have no vindication of allowing a foreign army to invade another nation and then altering the ethnic and religious nature of the society that was invaded.Thousands of Orthodox icons, manuscripts, frescoes and mosaics have been looted from churches, chapels and monasteries in northern Cyprus, ending up on international auction blocks, says the document, the result of a lengthy investigation by the Helsinki Commission and titled “Destruction of Cultural Property in the Northern Part of Cyprus and Violations of International Law.”According to the report:
-500 Orthodox churches or chapels have been pillaged, demolished or vandalized...........-133 churches, chapels and monasteries have been desecrated............-77 churches have been turned into mosques, 28 are being used by the Turkish military as hospitals or camps, and 13 have been turned into barns.

-500 Orthodox churches or chapels have been pillaged, demolished or vandalized...........-133 churches, chapels and monasteries have been desecrated............-77 churches have been turned into mosques, 28 are being used by the Turkish military as hospitals or camps, and 13 have been turned into barns.