Sunday, October 7, 2012

The New Anti-Semitism in Western Europe

 Fight The New Anti-semitisme!  In a word, classical or traditional anti-Semitism is the discrimination against, or denial of, the right of Jews to live as equal members of a free society; the new anti-Semitism—incompletely, or incorrectly, [referred to] as "anti-Zionism"…—involves the discrimination against, denial of, or assault upon the right of the Jewish people to live as an equal member of the family of nations. What is intrinsic to each form of anti-Semitism—and common to both—is discrimination........ During the Holocaust, Europe dispatched its Jews to the gas chambers. Seventy years later, in the welfarist, multicultural and semi-Islamicized Europe, Jews have again come under attack.Today anti-Semitic inscriptions are being drawn on building walls in Marseille, Nottingham, Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam, Berlin, Kiev, Barcelona and Rome.Synagogues, schools and other Jewish buildings have been torched and Jews have been subjected to physical and verbal abuse. In the Netherlands, in 2010, Frits Bolkestein, a prominent Dutch Conservative and former European Commissioner, said there is no future for Jews in his country because of “anti-Semitism among Dutchmen of Moroccan descent, whose number keeps growing.” He referred to the increase in anti-Semitic incidents in the Netherlands over the past decade and urged Jews to “emigrate to the U.S. or Israel.In Belgium, a focal point of significant anti-Jewish activities, a gang attacked the chief rabbi of the Consistoire Central Israelite de Belgique as he was leaving a restaurant in Anderlecht accompanied by a friend. The attackers, five youths of apparent North African extraction, assaulted them, calling the rabbi and his friend "dirty Jews," and spitting in their faces. Five Muslim Moroccan girls in Belgium beat a 13-year-old classmate/Oceane Sluijzer/, called her a "dirty Jew” and told her to "return to your country.”"The police suggested that I keep quiet about the incident. They asked me, 'Don't say that it's anti-Semitism,'" Oceane reveals. Police fail to handle incident, while school and politicians turn a blind eye.On June 24, a number of allegedly North African youths assaulted four Jewish students as they departed their Jewish school in an Antwerp suburb; one fleeing student was stabbed and seriously injured.In June 2003, a man of Moroccan descent attempted to explode a vehicle loaded with gas canisters in front of a synagogue in Charleroi, Belgium. In April 2002, the same synagogue was the target of gunfire.  Europe is again approaching, as many prefer to avert their eyes, the horrible paroxysm of Jew-hatred that plunged the continent into its XX century abyss. In the current denationalized, universalist, third-worldist and secularized Europe, Zionism is casted as the cause of anti-Semitism, Bruxelles' officials see the bombing of a synagogue in Paris as a reprisal for an Israeli incursion into Gaza, European ministers and MPs more and more call the Israelis "the new Nazis," anti-Semitism is fading from the general consciousness and "Islamophobia" is declared the worst racism.History has demonstrated that once the germ of a new form of anti-Semitism takes hold in Europe, it becomes extremely difficult to eradicate.....Let me remind you of the words of Minister Niemeyer during World War II: “First they came after communists, and I was silent, because I am not a communist. Then they came after the Jews, and I was silent, because I am not Jewish.Then they came after Catholics, and I was silent, because I am a Protestant. And then they came after me, and by that time there was no one left who could stand up for me.” Over half a million Jews have been ethnically cleansed from Arab capitals since 1947......                    1]]  Mohammed Merah, a 24-year-old French Muslim,  shot Jewish children in cold blood at a Jewish Day School in Toulouse, France.....                                                                                   Familieleden en andere rouwenden in Jeruzalem dragen het lichaam van een van de vier slachtoffers van de Toulouse, Frankrijk, school shooting.  Relatives and other mourners in Jerusalem carry the body of one of the four victims of the Toulouse, France, school shooting...........France, home to the largest Jewish and Muslim communities in Europe, was called the most dangerous country for Jews. Although the recent attack on a Jewish school in Toulouse, France, by a Muslim terrorist was a tragedy of immense proportions, it was not completely unforeseen.Jews in France have long been facing hostilities from Arab immigrants in that country, and they have likewise long been looking for residences outside of France to which they can flee if the persecution becomes any worse.The walls of Jewish neighborhoods are covered with graffiti saying: “Jews-in gas chambers”, “Death to Jews.”Jewish shops and restaurants receive daily threats. Every week, windows are smashed or covered with insulting graffiti.Children are harassed on their way to school just because they’re Jews. Since the killing of three children and a rabbi in the courtyard of a school in Toulouse on March 19 by Mohamed Merah, the number of attacks against Jews has exponentiated.Jewish graves were vandalized in Nice. In Sartrouville, walls were covered with graffiti saying, "Long live Merah," "Vengeance," and "F*** the kippa." Merah was described as a martyr on the pages of new Facebook groups. The vicious assault of three young Jews in Lyon on June 2 by a gang of ten men armed with hammers and iron bars was only the most visible and most obvious act among more than 150 other acts of the same kind in less than three months. Since then, in just two weeks, dozens of new attacks have occurred. The Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF) keeps track of anti-Semitic incidents. In the last decade, the number rose well above 300 incidents per year. In 2010, there were 466 incidents. In 2011, there were 389. However, 2012 will break the record. During the first five months of 2012, already 268 incidents of hatred against Jews have been reported. French Nazi-hunter Serge Klarsfeld said that French Jews would be best off leaving the country. He added that a lesson of the Holocaust was that it is better to leave a place where there is a wave of anti-Semitism than to stay and fight it. The Israeli Ministry of Immigrant Absorption says a total of 100,000 French Jews have immigrated to Israel in recent years, and approximately 2,000 French Jews are “resettling in Israel each year” now…..Dit is een bedreiging zeker niet alleen voor de joodse gemeenschap, het is een bedreiging voor de Europese cultuur zelf, om de democratie zelf.                                                                                                                                                             Horror: Een kind wordt getroost door een man naar schietpartijen deze week in Frankrijk                                                      No rest: A desecrated gravestone in the Jewish cemetary of Brumath, France Germany, too, has witnessed a spate of troubling acts of physical and verbal violence against Jews. In a grim reminder of the Holocaust, Jews in the German town of Herford found the words "Six million is not enough" scrawled on the walls of their synagogue. Jewish memorials in Berlin were defaced with swastikas, and a synagogue was daubed with the words "Six Million Is Not Enough. PLO.". Muslim immigrants, leftist political and culture elites, and Neo-Nazis regularly vilify the Jewish State and participate in actions against the Jewish community. Hatred of Jews was demonstrated recently by an assault in Berlin on Rabbi Daniel Alter in broad daylight on August 28, 2012 by a group of youths of Arab descent. Alter suffered a fractured cheekbone from the assault, which took place in front of his six-year-old daughter who was also faced with death threats. Rabbi Alter was one of the first individuals to be ordained as a Rabbi in Germany since 1942. The 53-year-old rabbi said one of the four Arab-looking youths who attacked him first asked him, “Hey, are you a Jew?,” apparently because he was wearing a kippa, a traditional head covering Upon hearing him answer in the affirmative, the men proceeded to hit him, while hurling anti-Semitic curses such as, “I’ll f*** your daughter... your wife and I’ll f***... your God.”The attack on Rabbi Daniel Alter was not the only attack on Jews in Berlin during recent years.Another Berlin-based rabbi, Walter Rothschild, told German radio: "I have been spat on in broad daylight in (the central Berlin square of) Wittenbergplatz and had slogans linked to the Middle East shouted at me." In neighboring Potsdam, where the Abraham Geiger College trains rabbis, school officials have advised students that they should choose "inconspicuous head coverings" to cover their heads. The school's rector, Walter Homolka, told the Berliner Morgenpost newspaper, "One is safe when that person is not visible as a Jew."  Anti-Semitism in Germany                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photo:Several hundred Jews and their supporters marched in the southern city of Malmo to bring attention to intolerance and anti-Semitic attacks in the Nordic country...... Like other European countries, Sweden has experienced a significant uptick in anti-Semitic hate-crimes in recent years. Jews in Sweden are frequently subject to harassment and some have been physically assaulted; Jewish cemeteries in the country have repeatedly been desecrated; Jewish worshippers have been abused on their way home from prayer; and Jews have been taunted in the streets by masked men chanting phrases such as “Hitler, Hitler” and “Dirty Jew.” Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld , a Dutch Jew living in Israel and currently Chairman of the Board of Fellows of the "Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs" (JPCA), writes in the liberal Dutch newspaper "De Volkskrant" that Malmö is now often referred to as "the capital of today's West European anti-Semitism."Malmö, the third-largest city in Sweden, has become an especially hostile place for Jews, who are increasingly subjected to threats, intimidation, and physical violence.. The Jewish population of Malmö has halved in just a few years due to harassment by Muslim immigrants.The upswing in anti-Semitic violence in Malmö is being attributed to two key factors: the exponential increase in the number of Muslim immigrants in the city, and Malmö’s bigoted left-wing mayor, who rarely misses an opportunity to publicly demonize Israel.Judith was treated with great kindness as she began living in Sweden long before Muslim mass Immigration began, In other words, When Europe was at peace.                                                                                Politiepatrouille Rainsough Joodse begraafplaats  There is also no other Western society where jihadi radicalism has proved as violent and dangerous as in the UK. Although anti-Semitism is not the determining factor in this extremism, it plays a role. This Islamist radicalism has helped shape the direction of overall anti-Semitism in the UK....Attacks on Jews in the UK reached record levels in 2009, according to figures compiled within the community.The Community Security Trust (CST) said it had recorded 924 incidents over the year, 55% more than the previous high of 598 incidents in 2006. Schoolchildren have also been singled out for verbal abuse.A Birmingham school is investigating reports that 20 children chased a 12-year-old girl, its only Jewish pupil, chanting "Kill all Jews" and "Death to Jews". In another incident a Jewish schoolgirl reported being bullied at a non-Jewish school because of the Gaza conflict.One British mother's utterly shocking account of the anit-Semitism her children suffer:" Every weekday morning I drive to a building surrounded by razor wire. It has  bomb-proof windows, security guards posted next to its tall, iron gates, and sturdy fences that ring the perimeters. Access to anyone is by entry phone — or by convincing the guards you have a right to enter. So do I work in a prison? No. I have children who attend a Jewish school near our home in Manchester. However, every so often I ask myself: is this how we really need to  protect a school in modern Britain?" 1] ........2]                                                                                   British terrorist couple Shasta Khan and Mohammed Sajid Khan were found guilty of planning an attack on the Manchester Jewish community. (photo, courtesy Greater Manchester Police) British terrorist couple Shasta Khan and Mohammed Sajid Khan were found guilty of planning an attack on the Manchester Jewish community. (photo, courtesy Greater Manchester Police)…                                                                                                                                  
  Young Muslims who are against anti-semitism and refuse to take any part in Muslim hatred and targeting of jews are called “Traitors” and defamed online...... In Europe, free speech ends where Islam begins.       
Cover van de Maart 2012 editie.Cover van de Oktober 2009 editie.  Elinor Joseph, The Israel Defense Force’s First Arab Female Combat Soldier. Elinor Joseph, The Israel Defense Force’s First Arab Female Combat Soldier.In Israel Arabs are entitled to the same protection under law as Jews. Arabic is an official second language in Israel. Arabs serve in the Israel Defense Force; it is possible for an Arab Muslim to become a commissioned officer in the IDF…..

Saturday, August 18, 2012

History of Jihad against the Serbs

 Here is the Serbian Czarica Milica and Czar Lazar.....Bosnia, once part of the Serbian Empire, a ìvassal of Rasciaî, or Rashka, surrendered to Mohammed II in 1463 and was ruled henceforth by the Muslim Ottoman Turks. The Turks captured and executed the last medieval Bosnian king of the Kotromanic dynasty, Stefan Tomasevic, who reigned from 1461 to 1463. The Turkish rule and occupation of Bosnia had severe deleterious effects upon the social, cultural, political, and economic development of the Serbs. Serbs were compelled to settle and live in isolated mountainous regions to escape the Turkish predations of the boy-tribute or devsirme and to avoid the constant impressments into the Muslim Turkish armies which needed manpower in the long-standing Turkish quest to conquer all of Christian Europe.The oppression of Christians was monstrous... The first Muslim genocide was in 1876 against the Bulgarian Orthodox Christians. Over 12,000 men, women, and children were brutally exterminated by the Ottoman Turks. The Bulgarian atrocities shocked the conscience of Europe. Following the Bosnian Serb Revolution or Insurrection in 1875, the Bulgarians had followed the Serbian example and had sought to emancipate themselves from Ottoman Turkish occupation. This Muslim genocide alienated British and Western European support for the Ottoman Empire, the sick man of Europe, which earlier had British support as a bulwark against Russia and against Orthodoxy. The second Muslim genocide occurred in 1896 against the Armenian Orthodox Christians. Several thousand Armenian men, women, and children were massacred by Muslim Turks and Kurds. Sultan Abdul Hamid II stated that the way to get rid of the Armenian question is to get rid of the Armenians. The third Muslim genocide occurred in 1915 again against the Orthodox Armenians. Using the cover of the World War, the Ottoman Turks exterminated several million Armenian men, women, and children in a large-scale genocide. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi German regime would during World War II use this Muslim genocide of Orthodox Christians as a model and blueprint for the extermination of European Jewry, the Final Solution or Holocaust. In August, 1939, Adolf Hitler asked: Who remembers now the extermination of the Armenians? The fourth Muslim genocide occurred in Bosnia-Hercegovina and Kosovo-Metohija from 1941-1945 and was conducted by Bosnian Muslims and Kosovo Albanians against Orthodox Serbs. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Mohammed Effendi Amin el Husseini oversaw the extermination of Orthodox Serbs in Bosnia and in Kosovo. Husseini was never brought to trial for the genocide and mass murder of thousands of Orthodox Serbs.Failure to mention the historic truth of Islam’s bloody and repressive jihad and subjugation of others plays out in politics today.   Bosnia president Alija Izetbegovic who claims Islamic tolerance, states in his Islamic declaration of 1970, that there cannot be peace or coexistence between the Islamic faith and non-Islamic social and political institutions...and that the Islamic movement must take power...destroy the existing non-Islamic power and build a new Islamic one!! (Ye’or Islam and Dhimmitude p 202)..... Alija Izetbegovic misled the West, presenting himself, his party and his government as secularized and devoted to a multiethnic democracy, when in fact he was intent on establishing an Islamic state.  Not only did their policies and actions ensure continued resistance from Serbs, Croats and non-radical Muslims, but they made Bosnia the ‘missing link' in Al Qaeda's trajectory.The long hidden truth is that Bosnia played the same role for al-Qa’ida in the 1990s that Afghanistan did in the 1980s, providing a battleground where mujahidin could learn to wage holy war.Khalid Sheikh Muhammad (the mastermind of 9/11) and two of the 9/11 hijacker pilots were veterans of the Bosnian jihad.The Western Balkans has been a region of interest to Islamic extremists for decades. Numerous Muslims living in the so-called “Green Traverse” represent both a recruitment pool and a springboard for attacks in Western Europe. Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and the Raska region (a.k.a. Sanjak) are frequently used as Jihad’s gateway into the European heartland. The notion is not new, only more visible today than ever before.  Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini reviews Bosnian Nazi SS volunteers during the Second World War....The number of Bosnian Orthodox Serbs murdered during World War II in Bosnia-Hercegovina is estimated at over two hundred thousand. Of the 10,500 Jews of Sarajevo before the war, only about 800 survived the Holocaust. Of the approximately 14,000 Jews of Bosnia-Hercegovina, 12,000 would be killed.Serbs and Jews were together during the Holocaust, suffering together. They died together in great numbers. And they must be together again.In the 14th century, Jews fleeing persecution in Hungary found refuge in the Serbian kingdom. And even after Serbia was defeated by the Ottoman Turks in 1389 and subsequently subjugated, the Serbs nonetheless welcomed Spanish and Portuguese Jews who were exiled from Iberia a century later.                                                                                                                                                              Photo:Bosnian Islamic fighters – Bosnian Islamic fighters during their Jihad which was blessed by President Bill Clinton.....Turning to events in the 1990s it is clear that Alija Izetbegovic had an Islamic vision for Bosnia and he also spoke about the need to support all Muslims throughout the former Yugoslavia. At the same time he was welcomed with open arms by Iran and he had links with the Muslim Brotherhood. However, this meant nothing to Bill Clinton and Al-Qa’ida was given a free-reign in Bosnia by America and other forces which had vested interests. The hidden “Islamic jihad” and dimensions of Bosnia have been ignored prior to the conflict, during the civil war in the early 1990s, and afterwards. This misrepresentation of reality meant that thousands of Islamists from all over the world were aided by so-called democratic powers and the role of the mass media and many leading academics served the ambitions of Al-Qa’ida and other outside powers.According to many naïve Western commentators Bosnia was a tranquil reality where Muslims and Christians lived happily together for many centuries. Not only this, the Western rhetoric claimed that in modern times it was the Muslim leadership in Bosnia which was open-minded, democratic, modernist, and which desired to maintain a multi-cultural and multi-religious society.The truth could not have been further and Western commentators and academics are clearly glossing over reality because the Ottoman Empire was not based on enlightenment. On the contrary, the Islamization of Bosnia was paid by the blood of Christians and the slavery and forced conversions of young Christian boys who were forcibly converted to Islam via the barbaric devshirme system.Islamic penetration into Europe through the Balkans is one of the main achievements of Islam in the twentieth century.                                                                                                   Saudi/Afghan-Arab mujahedeen with decapitated heads of Bosnian Serb POWs in 1992. Al-Qaeda funded and organized these early terrorist attacks against Bosnian Serbs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ....Cele Kula - The Skull Tower-
Located in Nis, Serbia, this monument is made almost entirely out of skulls of Serbian soldiers killed during a battle between the Serbs and Turks in 1809. Over time, many skulls have been removed by relatives or people collecting them as souvenirs. Pictured above are the remaining skulls on a wall of the Tower. There were around 952 skulls, but today only 58 have remained.When he saw the battle was lost and their trench was overrun, Vojvoda Stevan Sindelic fired his gun into the Serbian gunpowder and blew up everyone, Turks and Serbs { cost the Turks some 6,000 lives}.The Turkish commander Hurshid Pasha had won, but was incensed by the rebellion and the losses the rebels had inflicted. He thus decided to impart a rather morbid lesson to others who considered rebelling. Pasha ordered the mutilation of the corpses of the dead rebels; the scalps of the dead were stripped from their skulls, stuffed with either straw or cotton, and sent to the Imperial court in Istanbul as proof of victory. Pasha then ordered a tower to be constructed at the main entrance to Niš on the road to Istanbul using the skulls, a monument that would force the townspeople to look at their own war-dead every day. The skull of Stevan Sindelic was to be placed at the top. The Serbs understand the evils of Islam better than most. If there is one nation in Europe that will never bow to Islam, its Serbia.                                                                               More than 110 Serbian Orthodox churches have been badly vandalized, looted and seriously damaged by explosives or reduced to rubble!!More than 250000 Serbs were expelled from the Holy Serbian Land of Kosovo and Metohija,having all the features of Nazi organized Pogroms.Albanians did not perpetrate genocide and colonization of Kosovo and Metohija/real name of province/ for only a year or two, but for three centuries systematically, starting from 1690, and 1737, 1841, 1876-1878, through to 2006, the colonists kept coming from Malaysia and Dukadjin.The official name of the Serbian province under NATO occupation is not simply Kosovo, as it is referred to by the mainstream media, but rather Kosovo and Metohija.The word Kosovo comes from Serbian, Kosovo Polje, or The Field of the Blackbirds, while Metohija means The Land of the Monasteries.60% of the Kosovo and Metohija land was owned by Serbian Orthodox church.  …. Like in the battle of Kosovo, Serbian forces today have helped stem the tide of Islamic expansion into Europe, preserving Christian culture and values. Their enemies have been those who have no respect for cultures other than their own, such as the Muslim Mujehadeen in Bosnia and the KLA in Kosovo. It is painfully ironic that it is the Serbs’ army that is criticized for crimes unproved while an entity like the KLA, a group of drug running thugs, are lauded as freedom fighters! In 1997, the KLA was recognized by the U.S. as a terrorist organization linked to the drug trade. President Clinton's special envoy to the Balkans, Robert Gelbard, described the KLA as, "without any questions, a terrorist group". The former KLA leader Hashim Thaci, before becoming "Prime Minister" of Kosovo was on the Interpol and FBI lists. The truth about Kosovo, Albanian jihad terrorism, organized crime (drugs, weapons, sex slaves including children, destruction of churches / monasteries and attacks on Christian Orthodox Serbs by Muslim Albanians is becoming impossible to ignore.Led by dodgy characters and war criminals such as Hashim Thaci and Agim Ceku, "independent" Kosovo is a gangster state governed by thugs with ties to Albanian drug trafficking syndicates and al-Qaeda.The impact of Saudi financing in Kosovo now is clearly evident, and the fear is that it is not just the money that is being brought in, but the Wahhabi ideology as well. 24 Wahhabi mosques , 14 orphanages and 98 primary and secondary Wahhabi funded schools have been built in Kosovo since 1999...Thanks to Bill Clinton and Western Europe, we have paved the way for an independent Islamic state in the heart of Europe by waging war against the Christian Serbs. ....Raped young Serbian girl (age 9) from Zitinje near Vitina, in arms of her father Stojan Peric (year 1983)                                                                                                   .....UCK/KLA criminals with cut off heads of Serbs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Islam considers the world divided in two zones:
- dar al-Islam, that is dwelling of Islam: the areas controlled by Muslim states
- dar al-harb, that is dwelling of the war: the areas not controlled by Muslim states.This basic idea is deeply rooted in the history of Islam and Islamic expansion.In the early years of Islam, the entire North Africa – then a Christian area – was conquered, then Spain, and the Muslim armies penetrated deep into France. Later the Byzantine Empire (present-day Turkey) fell bit by bit, until the Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople in 1453. The Turks had already made significant inroads in the Balkans. After the fall of Constantinople Hungary fell, and in 1529 the Turks laid siege to Vienna. The Koran though — as you know according to the Islam the literal word of God — does state that the Muslims owe it to Islam to take part in the war. In Surah 9, verse 39 we read for example: “If thou dost not march out — He will punish you with painful punishment,” illaa tanfiruu, yu’adhdhibukum ‘adhaaban aliiman.The Koran contains a large number of generally worded calls for murder and manslaughter. There are Muslims who regard such passages as a license to kill. I need not to remind you the fate of Theo van Gogh. On the Internet there circulates a list of 164 calls to war to be found in the Koran. For such a short book, 164 is an incredible number. There is no such list of Bible passages.The European elites are bending over backwards to comfort Islam, and are certainly not willing to become aware of the history of the expansion of Islam. The Islamic strategy aims first to take in Europe, and strategically that is undoubtedly true. After Europe has fallen, Israel can not cost that much trouble, and America will readily follow after this. In order to conquer Europe it is also likely that remarkably little violence will be needed. The demographics do what they do, and the occasional assassination of a cartoonist, writer, or politician who makes bit too much trouble will do the rest.The Arabic word Islam means ‘submission’; and of course, here, submission means submission to Allah....THE DARK SIDE OF THE RELIGION OF PEACE....                                                                                                           

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


A Bosnian Serb mother grieves over her loved ones – brutally murdered by Izetbegovic’s/Oric’s Islamist troops.In February 1991, Bosnian Muslim leader Alija Izetbegovic declared, "I would sacrifice peace for a sovereign Bosnia-Herzegovina." He was true to his word; his government’s declaration of independence in March 1992 sparked off a civil war, pitting Bosnia’s ethnic communities — Serbs, Muslims, and Croats — against each other over the following three and a half years.Alija Izetbegovic’s Moslem Bosnia was not a secular European vision but a vision for the return of times of the Ottoman Empire when moslems ruled over Christians in Europe......1].
 Forensic specialists of the Hague Tribunal are perhaps the only professionals in their field in the entire world who do not depend on material evidence in order to determine the manner (and sometimes even the cause) of death.The International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) is doing DNA analysis to determine the identity of the victims, but they’re doing absolutely nothing to determine how any of them died, which makes it impossible to say how many of them were victims of a war crime and how many were simply victims of the war or belligerents killed in combat....What is genocide? Genocide is Auschwitz and Jasenovac.Genocide is a crime of intent, yet The Hague Tribunal concluded that: “the existence of a plan or policy is not a legal ingredient of the crime of genocide.”The logical question that arises is this: How can you prove that genocidal intent existed when you can’t show that a genocidal plan or policy existed?In Srebrenica there is no evidence of a genocidal plan. Genocide is when the state conducts an extermination of a nation, including women and children. So, at the Auschwitz ramp, in the gas chambers, the children, women, elderly were killed, and only because they belonged to a certain ethnicity and faith the Nazis declared a “dangerous element” for their state. The same is true for Jasenovac, where the greatest majority of Serbs perished, and civilians first and foremost — Serbian children, women and elderly. According to the German assessment, Croats have killed some 750,000 Serbs in 1941-1945.Comparing Srebrenica with Auschwitz or Jasenovac is unacceptable, illegitimate, brazen. It is insulting to both the Jewish and Serbian Second World War victims. In Srebrenica there was a completely reversed situation: Serbian Army had separated women, children and elderly and organized their transportation to the safe territory. Some went to Tuzla, and some to Serbia. In this way, the Serbian Army saved them from revenge of the Serbs whose loved ones were killed [in Srebrenica municipality] from 1992.” If the Serbs really wanted to perform an act of genocide, they would have murdered the women and children. Instead, they provided buses and a safe route for them to get to the Muslim-held Tuzla area. But before the propaganda "Srebrenica" there were real crimes committed in the same region, which have been suppressed, kept silent, covered up, swept under the carpet: because they were committed against Serbs. From 1992 to 1995 some 1300 Serbs were killed. They abused Srebrenica’s status as a UN Safe Area by using it as a military base to attack the Bosnian Serbs. The wild cruelty of Muslim soldiers in Srebrenica area was very similar to the techniques of "SS Handzar" in the period of World War II. Rather than using bullets, Muslim soldiers used dull objects as weapons and gradually killed Serbs, mostly civilians, by mutilating, taking off an eye, castrating, crucifying, or burning. Dr. Zoran Stankovic had examined the charred bodies of Bosnian Serbs roasted on spits with their limbs cut off, which Bosnian Muslim soldiers jokingly termed “Bosansko Jagnje” (Bosnian Lamb). Western politicians and their obedient media have meticulously tuned out that crime of Naser Oric and his butchers. Philippe Morillon:The fall of Srebrenica in 1995 was the "Direct reaction" to Naser Oric's massacres of Bosnian Serbs in 1992-1993...Most crimes by Serbs were committed by the individuals who were seeking revenge.Some executions did take place at the hands of paramilitaries and a mercenary group led by Drazen Erdemovic.In 2000, the Milosevic government arrested several Pauk members and charged them with war crimes for killing Muslim POWs, but when the Western-backed opposition took over, they were released. In his recent evidence given under cross examination in the Karadzic trial [February 28, 2012] , when asked whether the Srebrenica executioners from his unit, the Tenth Sabotage Detachment, were paid for their services in gold by some outside source, "Star Witness" Drazen Erdemovic replied: "I don't know exactly whether this, in fact, happened, but there were rumours in Bijeljina according to which Mr. Pelemis had received I don't know how many kilos of gold that had been found in Srebrenica, and that's why he sent us there to shoot these civilians." [Transcript, p. 25395] Pelemis, be it noted was the comander of Erdemovic's unit. Around 400 Bosnian Muslims were killed in Srebrenica, since they were found with their hands tied or with the covers on their eyes/http://www.amsterdampost./ BALKAN,EYE FOR EYE,TOOTH FOR A TOOTH,FOR CENTURIES! If they had behaved better, they probably wouldn’t have been massacred. The number of 7,000-8,000 missing Bosnian Muslims, presented to the public as the victims of a war crime, is one of the biggest lies and manipulations continually present in this part of the world!The list of 7,000-8,000 Bosnian Muslims contains the names of the individuals who have been reported MISSING — it is not the list of the victims of a crime.Evidence presented by the ICTY prosecution, nine years after the fall of Srebrenica (in 2004), showed that 2,541 bodies had been exhumed from mass graves around Srebrenica.According to the testimony of Dean Manning, an Australian forensic expert commissioned by the ICTY prosecution to compile a report on Srebrenica, 1,175 of the exhumed corpses had died of gunshot wounds, 67 died from shrapnel wounds or blast injuries, 11 died from a combination of gunshot and shrapnel, and the cause of death was undetermined for the remainder of the bodies.According to Manning’s report, 390 ligatures and cloth blindfolds were dug up from the graves.Branco, a Portugese UN military official states that casualty estimates of 7,000 have been “used and manipulated for propaganda purposes.” He wrote in 1998 that “there is little doubt that at least 2,000 Bosnian Muslims died in fighting the better trained and better commanded BSA [Bosnian Serb Army]” in three years of fierce fighting. This is roughly the number of bodies (2,028) which were exhumed by the International Criminal Tribunal on Yugoslavia (ICTY) in the region by the year 2001. Many, perhaps most, of these deaths occurred before the fall of Srebrenica, according to Branco. Phillip Corwin, former UN Civilian Affairs Coordinator in Bosnia during the 1990s, said: “What happened in Srebrenica was not a single large massacre of Muslims by Serbs, but rather a series of very bloody attacks and counterattacks over a three year period which reached a crescendo in July of 1995.” He noted: “I was the United Nations’ chief political officer in Bosnia the day that Srebrenica fell. Coincidentally, it was the same day that the Bosnian Government tried to assassinate me as I drove over Mount Igman on the way to Sarajevo.”“We have discovered 500 persons declared dead as victims of Srebrenica massacre to be alive.” said Mirsad Tokaca, the director of Sarajevo-based Research and Documentation Centre at the presentation of the Bosnian Atlas of War Crimes in Banjaluka.In addition, he stated that according to RDC findings 70 persons buried in the Memorial Centre Potocari, along with other victims, haven't been in Srebrenica at that period.On August 2, 1995, The Times of London published the following: "Thousands of the "missing" Bosnian Muslim soldiers from Srebrenica who have been at the centre of reports of possible mass executions by the Serbs, are believed to be safe to the northeast of Tuzla.The Red Cross reported at the time that some 3,000 Bosnian Army soldiers managed to reach Muslim lines near Tuzla and were redeployed by the Bosnian Army “without their families being informed.” The number of military survivors was also confirmed by Muslim General Enver Hadzihasanovic in his testimony at The Hague. .... We all remember the Western media hoaxes and fakery concerning the events in Jenin and Qana recently and how these media frauds were used to demonize Israel and the Jewish people.Joseph Goebbels: If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.From Kosovo in 1999 to the Congo in 2005, Srebrenica is held up as conclusive proof that the West is morally obliged to intervene militarily in conflict situations.What the Sender Gleiwitz was to the Nazis, the little town of Srebrenica is to NATO.The propaganda "Srebrenica" is NATO’s Auschwitz fake.     1]]   ....Ratko Mladic, Potocari / Srebrenica on July 13, 1995-According to many naïve Western commentators Bosnia was a tranquil reality where Muslims and Christians lived happily together for many centuries. Not only this, the Western rhetoric claimed that in modern times it was the Muslim leadership in Bosnia which was open-minded, democratic, modernist, and which desired to maintain a multi-cultural and multi-religious society.The truth could not have been further and Western commentators and academics are clearly glossing over reality because the Ottoman Empire was not based on enlightenment. On the contrary, the Islamization of Bosnia was paid by the blood of Christians and the slavery and forced conversions of young Christian boys who were forcibly converted to Islam via the barbaric devshirme system. The Western hype of multi-cultural Bosnia is just that and in the middle of the 19th century you had around one hundred mosques in Sarajevo but only one Orthodox Christian church.....Srebrenica was an elaborate hoax designed to keep attention away from the real genocide... Operation Storm in Croatia!1]]   .... (Letter from President Radovan Karadzic which sent to Gen. Philippe Morillon, commander of the UN troops in Bosnia)                                                                                                                                      .....In a bitter irony, the so-called International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague is controlled by the War Criminals. It was not President Milosevic but NATO who started the war in Yugoslavia. "And according to the judges at Nuremberg, the primordial war crime was to start a war in the first place. All other war crimes flowed from this." (John Laughland, This is not Justice),   According to Nuremberg jurisprudence, NATO heads of State and heads of government are responsible for the supreme crime: "the crime against peace." That Court is illegal. It is a court of expediency and its mission was to serve the political purposes of the powers that supported its establishment. It is significant that its expenses are covered not by the United Nations but by “benefactors” from the U.S., from multi-national corporations and entrepreneurs like George Soros! The manner of establishment and funding also belies its manner of functioning.NATO spokesperson, Jamie Shea: "NATO is the friend of the Tribunal. NATO countries are those that have provided the finances to set up the Tribunal, we are among the majority financiers." If today's leaders of the EU honestly respected the international law and justice, then they would not neglect the fact that the Bosnian Muslim army murdered 7,000 Serbs in Sarajevo from 1992 to 1995. These crimes are terrible since they include atrocities committed against entire Serbian Orthodox families. When it comes to cruelty, the crimes against Serbs of Sarajevo outweigh to a great extent the other war crimes, perpetrated in other places, for instance the crime against the Bosnian Muslim soldiers in Srebrenica in 1995. The lists of the murdered Serbs of Sarajevo are supported with strong concrete evidence such as: complete names, addresses, the exact location of the crime, etc. Furthermore, the private property of these exterminated Serbs has been identified as well. But that property has now been seized by Muslims from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Vatican, EU and USA do not take these facts into consideration, probably because they were involved in organizing and arming the Croatian and Bosnian Muslim military formations during the disintegration of Yugoslavia. The Hague has created a “Srebrenica case” in order to justify crimes against the Serbs in Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia. That is why they need the story about Srebrenica as a “most horrific crime in Europe after the WWII”. Den Hague is NATO: Policeman, judge and jury. Do you really believe in such system yourself? The West cannot stop demonizing the Serbs, because if it were to do so, it would have to accuse itself. NATO tied to Muslim Slaughter at Srebrenica  ….In 2004, the U.N. War Crimes Tribunal inThe Hague convicted Bosnian-Serb general Radislav Krstic of aiding and abetting "genocide" (sic) in Srebrenica.Krstic did not participate in, order, or even know the massacre was happening.In fact, Krstic specifically ordered that no harm was to befall the Bosnian Muslim civilians.The Tribunal ruled that "It was unnecessary for the Trial Chamber to conclude that Radislav Krstic was actually aware that those other criminal acts were being committed; it was sufficient that their occurrence was foreseeable to him and that those other crimes did in fact occur." Gen. Krstic was sentenced to 46 years in prison, 4.6 times the sentence of Adolf Hitler's successor, Admiral Karl Doenitz (10 yrs.) and 2.3 times the sentence of Albert Speer (20 yrs.), the Nazi's head architect. In May (1999) a German court convicted the Gestapo helper Alfons Götzfrid to 10 years – suspended sentence – for "complicity in the murder" of 17,000 Jews, while, in the same month the German Supreme Court upheld the conviction and sentencing of Bosnian Serb, Nikola Jorgic to 13 years (his sentence was not suspended) for "genocide" carried out on 30 Bosnian Muslims.Biljana Plavsic, who had no power and no command over the armed units, was convicted to 11 years of imprisonment..... .....Serbian cemetery in Bratunac, Srebrenica Municipality  .........Bosnian Serb Army fought against Oric’s criminals, monsters,not against muslim civilians.Croat Erdemovic who has been sentenced in the Hague, stated at his trial that the Serb military had issued a strict order that civilians be spared and that all [Serb] soldiers must behave according to the international humanitarian law and the Geneva convention. That was said in the Hague and Erdemovic gave wide ranging statements regarding the events in Srebrenica. He said: "I know that the command warned us to treat civilians and war prisoners according to the rules and be humane". Within days of the take-over of Srebrenica, Zepa, a second Moslem enclave (and UN Safe Area), was also captured by Bosnian Serb forces. Among the defenders of Zepa were hundreds of the “missing” soldiers from Srebrenica. The New York Times recounts:
“The wounded troops were left behind, and when the Bosnian Serbs overran the town on Tuesday, the wounded were taken to Sarajevo for treatment at Kosevo Hospital. Many of them had begun their journey in Srebrenica, and fled into the hills when that ‘safe area’ fell to the Bosnian Serbs on July 11. These men did not make it to Tuzla, where most of the refugees ended up, but became the defenders of Zepa instead. ‘Some 350 of us managed to fight our way out of Srebrenica and make it into Zepa,’ said Sadik Ahmetovic, one of 151 people evacuated to Sarajevo for treatment today. (…) They said they had not been mistreated by their Serb captors.”The Serbian forces had the wounded Muslim soldiers evacuated behind Muslim lines to their Muslim hospital in Sarajevo. Is this how one goes about committing genocide? Is this the military force compared to Nazis? What a trivialization of Nazi barbarism! .........How Alija Izetbegovic’s regime held the civilian population of Srebrenica hostage, goaded the [Bosnian]-Serbs into attacking the enclave, and then abandoned the civilian population to the mercy of the attacking enemy. Was Srebrenica sacrificed by the leadership in Sarajevo in order to draw in NATO intervention on behalf of the Muslim side? Why did the Bosnian Government in Sarajevo withdraw 18 top officers of the 28th Division of the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina, including its top officers, including Naser Oric and Zulfo Tursunovic, only a month before the fall of Srebrenica?Two prominent supporters (at the time) of the late Muslim leader Alija Izetbegovic, his Srebrenica SDA party chairman Ibran Mustafic and police commander Hakija Meholjic, have subsequently accused Izetbegovic of deliberately sacrificing the enclave in order to trigger NATO intervention-

.........A documentary film by Norwegian television: 
"Srebrenica: A Town Betrayed" follows interviews and revelations by Bosnian-Muslim investigative journalist Mirsad Fazlic, who doesn’t appreciate the fictitious, black-and-white version of the Bosnian war that is perpetuated by the international community and by Bosnian officialdom, which still honors wartime president Alija Izetbegovic as a national hero when Fazlic and others know he was the opposite. The film really begins only at the four-minute mark, and its main shortcoming is the ubiquitous, stubborn marriage to the notion that the number “7-8,000 killed” is anything other than a concoction that the world has been working backwards for 17 years to make seem real. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The rise of neo nazism in Europe

...Four neo-Nazi murderers hell-bent on building a 'Fourth Reich' in Germany were the biggest extremist threat seen in the country since the demise of Hitler, according to police. Neo-Nazi terrorists are responsible for a crime wave reaching back more than a decade that includes the murders of at least 10 people, including immigrant shopkeepers and a police officer.The group is also suspected in more than a dozen bank robberies and a bombing in Cologne.Bild reported that the killers had shot many of their victims in the face at point-blank range and even filmed their bloodied bodies as trophies. The "foreigner" is at fault as a rule; they are the "enemy" and have become the target of blind aggression, especially among those people who feel they are the losers in society, due to unemployment or for a lack of any promising prospects.For example, today the fascists do the dirty work by frightening away potential asylum seekers and by helping to drive ‘unwanted’ immigrants out of the country. This heated nationalist climate makes it much easier for the capitalists to divert attention from their attacks on the working class—wage cuts, firings, etc. The nightmarish scenes of broken glass, burning buildings and bleeding victims recall the Hitlerite terror of the 1930s.How was it possible that neo-Nazis, already known to be dangerous, had managed to live for more than a decade in the centre of Germany without detection? What was the role of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, the Verfassungsschutz, in this case? Was it possible that any of the members of the National Socialist Underground were informers or otherwise known to the Federal Office? How many supporters did the group have and what were their connections to the various neo-Nazi networks that seem to be flourishing, especially in parts of the former East Germany but also in the west?What is already known is that in recent years theVerfassungsschutz in Thüringen - the state where the trio lived - had been paying a local neo-Nazi leader as an informant; and that this money apparently did more to support local extremist networks than to break them up..…Murderers, sadists, assassins, sociopaths and psychopaths all thought Hitler was a great man ...many still do.In an echo of Europe’s tortured past, Nazism, with its association with the Holocaust and horrors of the Second World War, not only survives, but in some instances is thriving.Running on nationalist and often racist platforms, far right parties have gone from the streets into government, enjoying renewed popularity on local and national levels throughout Europe. In Germany, neo-Nazis are becoming popular again despite the fact that displaying the swastika or saluting Hitler is illegal. Even so, the popularity of the extreme right is becoming so high that Germany’s neo-Nazi “National Democratic Party” (NPD) even has political seats in the German states of Saxony and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Every day in the Federal Republic of Germany there are at least two or three violent attacks by radical-right wingers.The enemy? " Foreigners", the root of all problems.After 1989 [the fall of East Germany], the number of radical-right offences and crimes of violence increased dramatically.Between 1999 and 2000 the number of racist and other far right crimes rose by 59% to 16,000 in Germany, with violent crime accounting for more than 1,000 cases, including more than 30 brutal murders of foreigners. Particularly in times of crisis, right-wing extremists and right-wing populists in many places are trying to use the fears of European citizens to promote their ‘cause’ by providing simple answers to complex social challenges. A survey released last year by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation,13% of Germans say they want a new “fuhrer” to lead the country and 14.9% agreed with the statement: “There is something special about Jews, something peculiar. They don’t really fit in with us. Today we are witnessing the resurgence of old hatreds, with the Roma, particularly in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, again scapegoated for the economic crisis.The last time racist extremism surged to the fore in Europe was in the years of the 20th Century’s Great Depression, and the targets of the Nazis were Jews, the Roma and Sinti peoples [“Gypsies”], and Slavs.Both former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and French President Nicolas Sarkozy launched mass arrests of Sinti and Roma and expelled them from their borders. Far-Right parties are currently in government in Italy and also sit in the parliaments of Austria, Bulgaria,Belgium, Finland, Italy  Denmark, Hungary, Latvia,Slovakia,and the Baltic countries, as well as in the European Parliament.World War II brought more suffering to humanity than any other event in the 20th century. Nearly 60 million people died throughout six years.Action is urgently needed to stop history from repeating itself. "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce", said Marx.                                                                                                       German neo-Nazis helped the Palestinian terrorist organisation Black September to carry out the infamous massacre of 11 Israeli athletes during the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.Historical documents released to the magazine by the German secret service show that Dortmund police had been aware of collaboration between Palestinian terrorist Abu Daud and neo-Nazi Willi Pohl seven weeks before the attack - yet did not intervene. - OF FASCISM IN EUROPE: COUNTRY BY COUNTRY:France: The National Front, led by Marine Le Pen, won nearly 18 per cent of the vote in April's first round of presidential elections. The party is eyeing seats in June parliamentary elections.
Greece: Golden Dawn is the chief right-wing movement in the country, an openly neo-Nazi party that is one of Europe's most extreme.Right-wing extremists Golden Dawn won 6.9% of the vote and will have 21 seats in Greek ParliamentThey adopt Nazi salute and have stylised swastika as their logo.The entrance of Golden Dawn into the national parliament in Greece has sparked widespread concern about the return of nazism.In 2000, Golden Dawn symbols appeared in vandalised Jewish cemeteries in Thessaloniki and Athens, as well as in the Monastiroton synagogue, a memorial for Holocaust.
The Netherlands: The Freedom Party, led by Geert Wilders, is the third-largest in parliament - and brought down the minority government by withdrawing support.
Austria: The Freedom Party, having 34 of the 183 seats in parliament, is the second-strongest party in opinion polls.
England: British National Party has a policy that restricts membership to 'indigenous British people'. Ten local councillors, a fall from 50 in 2008.
Germany: The NPD has two of 16 state legislators but no seats in national parliament. Support base in former Communist east German states, where unemployment and discontent is high.
Italy:Italian fascists gaining 47 per cent of the vote last year in Rome.                                         Norway: The Progress Party holds 41 of 169 seats in parliament and is Norway's biggest opposition party. More moderate than many European counterparts.
Denmark: The Danish People's Party is the nation's third largest political organisation, and has pushed Denmark to adopt some of Europe's strictest immigration laws.
Sweden: The Sweden Democrats entered parliament in 2010 with 19 of 349 seats, but has had no major impact on legislation.
Finland: The Finns party won 19 per cent of parliamentary election votes in 2011 - up from four per cent four years earlier.
Hungary: Jobbik won nearly 17 per cent of the 2010 vote, and is one of two leading opposition parties.The conservative Fidesz party of Prime Minister Viktor Orban has passed laws restricting civil rights and basic freedoms that go against the country's EU membership......Could fascist politics in Europe be on the rise again?Neo-nazism seems to be going increasingly global, with groups in different European countries and the US building increasingly strong alliances.                                                          
                                                                                                   File: Rijen van lichamen van dode gevangenen vullen de tuin van Lager Nordhausen, een Gestapo concentratie camp.jpg 1457639970_c5943b0c3c1.jpg........The Balkans Chronicles -archives-