In a word, classical or traditional anti-Semitism is the discrimination against, or denial of, the right of Jews to live as equal members of a free society; the new anti-Semitism—incompletely, or incorrectly, [referred to] as "anti-Zionism"…—involves the discrimination against, denial of, or assault upon the right of the Jewish people to live as an equal member of the family of nations. What is intrinsic to each form of anti-Semitism—and common to both—is discrimination........During the Holocaust, Europe dispatched its Jews to the gas chambers. Seventy years later, in the welfarist, multicultural and semi-Islamicized Europe, Jews have again come under attack.Today anti-Semitic inscriptions are being drawn on building walls in Marseille, Nottingham, Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam, Berlin, Kiev, Barcelona and Rome.Synagogues, schools and other Jewish buildings have been torched and Jews have been subjected to physical and verbal abuse. In the Netherlands, in 2010, Frits Bolkestein, a prominent Dutch Conservative and former European Commissioner, said there is no future for Jews in his country because of “anti-Semitism among Dutchmen of Moroccan descent, whose number keeps growing.” He referred to the increase in anti-Semitic incidents in the Netherlands over the past decade and urged Jews to “emigrate to the U.S. or Israel.In Belgium, a focal point of significant anti-Jewish activities, a gang attacked the chief rabbi of the Consistoire Central Israelite de Belgique as he was leaving a restaurant in Anderlecht accompanied by a friend. The attackers, five youths of apparent North African extraction, assaulted them, calling the rabbi and his friend "dirty Jews," and spitting in their faces. Five Muslim Moroccan girls in Belgium beat a 13-year-old classmate/Oceane Sluijzer/, called her a "dirty Jew” and told her to "return to your country.”"The police suggested that I keep quiet about the incident. They asked me, 'Don't say that it's anti-Semitism,'" Oceane reveals. Police fail to handle incident, while school and politicians turn a blind eye.On June 24, a number of allegedly North African youths assaulted four Jewish students as they departed their Jewish school in an Antwerp suburb; one fleeing student was stabbed and seriously injured.In June 2003, a man of Moroccan descent attempted to explode a vehicle loaded with gas canisters in front of a synagogue in Charleroi, Belgium. In April 2002, the same synagogue was the target of gunfire. Europe is again approaching, as many prefer to avert their eyes, the horrible paroxysm of Jew-hatred that plunged the continent into its XX century abyss. In the current denationalized, universalist, third-worldist and secularized Europe, Zionism is casted as the cause of anti-Semitism, Bruxelles' officials see the bombing of a synagogue in Paris as a reprisal for an Israeli incursion into Gaza, European ministers and MPs more and more call the Israelis "the new Nazis," anti-Semitism is fading from the general consciousness and "Islamophobia" is declared the worst racism.History has demonstrated that once the germ of a new form of anti-Semitism takes hold in Europe, it becomes extremely difficult to eradicate.....Let me remind you of the words of Minister Niemeyer during World War II: “First they came after communists, and I was silent, because I am not a communist. Then they came after the Jews, and I was silent, because I am not Jewish.Then they came after Catholics, and I was silent, because I am a Protestant. And then they came after me, and by that time there was no one left who could stand up for me.” Over half a million Jews have been ethnically cleansed from Arab capitals since 1947...... 1]] Merah, a 24-year-old French Muslim, shot Jewish children in cold blood at a Jewish Day School in Toulouse, France..... Relatives and other mourners in Jerusalem carry the body of one of the four victims of the Toulouse, France, school shooting...........France, home to the largest Jewish and Muslim communities in Europe, was called the most dangerous country for Jews. Although the recent attack on a Jewish school in Toulouse, France, by a Muslim terrorist was a tragedy of immense proportions, it was not completely unforeseen.Jews in France have long been facing hostilities from Arab immigrants in that country, and they have likewise long been looking for residences outside of France to which they can flee if the persecution becomes any worse.The walls of Jewish neighborhoods are covered with graffiti saying: “Jews-in gas chambers”, “Death to Jews.”Jewish shops and restaurants receive daily threats. Every week, windows are smashed or covered with insulting graffiti.Children are harassed on their way to school just because they’re Jews. Since the killing of three children and a rabbi in the courtyard of a school in Toulouse on March 19 by Mohamed Merah, the number of attacks against Jews has exponentiated.Jewish graves were vandalized in Nice. In Sartrouville, walls were covered with graffiti saying, "Long live Merah," "Vengeance," and "F*** the kippa." Merah was described as a martyr on the pages of new Facebook groups. The vicious assault of three young Jews in Lyon on June 2 by a gang of ten men armed with hammers and iron bars was only the most visible and most obvious act among more than 150 other acts of the same kind in less than three months. Since then, in just two weeks, dozens of new attacks have occurred. The Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF) keeps track of anti-Semitic incidents. In the last decade, the number rose well above 300 incidents per year. In 2010, there were 466 incidents. In 2011, there were 389. However, 2012 will break the record. During the first five months of 2012, already 268 incidents of hatred against Jews have been reported. French Nazi-hunter Serge Klarsfeld said that French Jews would be best off leaving the country. He added that a lesson of the Holocaust was that it is better to leave a place where there is a wave of anti-Semitism than to stay and fight it. The Israeli Ministry of Immigrant Absorption says a total of 100,000 French Jews have immigrated to Israel in recent years, and approximately 2,000 French Jews are “resettling in Israel each year” now…..Dit is een bedreiging zeker niet alleen voor de joodse gemeenschap, het is een bedreiging voor de Europese cultuur zelf, om de democratie zelf. No rest: A desecrated gravestone in the Jewish cemetary of Brumath, France Germany, too, has witnessed a spate of troubling acts of physical and verbal violence against Jews. In a grim reminder of the Holocaust, Jews in the German town of Herford found the words "Six million is not enough" scrawled on the walls of their synagogue. Jewish memorials in Berlin were defaced with swastikas, and a synagogue was daubed with the words "Six Million Is Not Enough. PLO.". Muslim immigrants, leftist political and culture elites, and Neo-Nazis regularly vilify the Jewish State and participate in actions against the Jewish community. Hatred of Jews was demonstrated recently by an assault in Berlin on Rabbi Daniel Alter in broad daylight on August 28, 2012 by a group of youths of Arab descent. Alter suffered a fractured cheekbone from the assault, which took place in front of his six-year-old daughter who was also faced with death threats. Rabbi Alter was one of the first individuals to be ordained as a Rabbi in Germany since 1942. The 53-year-old rabbi said one of the four Arab-looking youths who attacked him first asked him, “Hey, are you a Jew?,” apparently because he was wearing a kippa, a traditional head covering Upon hearing him answer in the affirmative, the men proceeded to hit him, while hurling anti-Semitic curses such as, “I’ll f*** your daughter... your wife and I’ll f***... your God.”The attack on Rabbi Daniel Alter was not the only attack on Jews in Berlin during recent years.Another Berlin-based rabbi, Walter Rothschild, told German radio: "I have been spat on in broad daylight in (the central Berlin square of) Wittenbergplatz and had slogans linked to the Middle East shouted at me." In neighboring Potsdam, where the Abraham Geiger College trains rabbis, school officials have advised students that they should choose "inconspicuous head coverings" to cover their heads. The school's rector, Walter Homolka, told the Berliner Morgenpost newspaper, "One is safe when that person is not visible as a Jew." Anti-Semitism in Germany Photo:Several hundred Jews and their supporters marched in the southern city of Malmo to bring attention to intolerance and anti-Semitic attacks in the Nordic country...... Like other European countries, Sweden has experienced a significant uptick in anti-Semitic hate-crimes in recent years. Jews in Sweden are frequently subject to harassment and some have been physically assaulted; Jewish cemeteries in the country have repeatedly been desecrated; Jewish worshippers have been abused on their way home from prayer; and Jews have been taunted in the streets by masked men chanting phrases such as “Hitler, Hitler” and “Dirty Jew.” Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld , a Dutch Jew living in Israel and currently Chairman of the Board of Fellows of the "Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs" (JPCA), writes in the liberal Dutch newspaper "De Volkskrant" that Malmö is now often referred to as "the capital of today's West European anti-Semitism."Malmö, the third-largest city in Sweden, has become an especially hostile place for Jews, who are increasingly subjected to threats, intimidation, and physical violence.. The Jewish population of Malmö has halved in just a few years due to harassment by Muslim immigrants.The upswing in anti-Semitic violence in Malmö is being attributed to two key factors: the exponential increase in the number of Muslim immigrants in the city, and Malmö’s bigoted left-wing mayor, who rarely misses an opportunity to publicly demonize Israel.Judith was treated with great kindness as she began living in Sweden long before Muslim mass Immigration began, In other words, When Europe was at peace. There is also no other Western society where jihadi radicalism has proved as violent and dangerous as in the UK. Although anti-Semitism is not the determining factor in this extremism, it plays a role. This Islamist radicalism has helped shape the direction of overall anti-Semitism in the UK....Attacks on Jews in the UK reached record levels in 2009, according to figures compiled within the community.The Community Security Trust (CST) said it had recorded 924 incidents over the year, 55% more than the previous high of 598 incidents in 2006. Schoolchildren have also been singled out for verbal abuse.A Birmingham school is investigating reports that 20 children chased a 12-year-old girl, its only Jewish pupil, chanting "Kill all Jews" and "Death to Jews". In another incident a Jewish schoolgirl reported being bullied at a non-Jewish school because of the Gaza conflict.One British mother's utterly shocking account of the anit-Semitism her children suffer:" Every weekday morning I drive to a building surrounded by razor wire. It has bomb-proof windows, security guards posted next to its tall, iron gates, and sturdy fences that ring the perimeters. Access to anyone is by entry phone — or by convincing the guards you have a right to enter. So do I work in a prison? No. I have children who attend a Jewish school near our home in Manchester. However, every so often I ask myself: is this how we really need to protect a school in modern Britain?" 1] ........2] British terrorist couple Shasta Khan and Mohammed Sajid Khan were found guilty of planning an attack on the Manchester Jewish community. (photo, courtesy Greater Manchester Police)…
Young Muslims who are against anti-semitism and refuse to take any part in Muslim hatred and targeting of jews are called “Traitors” and defamed online...... In Europe, free speech ends where Islam begins.
Elinor Joseph, The Israel Defense Force’s First Arab Female Combat Soldier.In Israel Arabs are entitled to the same protection under law as Jews. Arabic is an official second language in Israel. Arabs serve in the Israel Defense Force; it is possible for an Arab Muslim to become a commissioned officer in the IDF…..